Upcoming Events:
Check it out: we are on Facebook! Do the search function and find the site for Ascension Lutheran Church, Mitchell, South Dakota! Check out the pictures of last year's Rodeo Days Parade, the August church picnic, and other fine events!
Bible Study Schedule
Our Sunday Morning Bible Study Hour for adults, and Sunday School for children ages 4 yrs. old thru 6th Grade, will resume their regular program for the new Fall semester, on Sunday, September 11, 2022!
Our Fall/Winter Schedule includes our regular Sunday Morning Worship Service, at 8:30 AM; followed by the Sunday Morning Bible Study Hour and Sunday School, both of which begin at 9:40 AM, right after our Sunday Worship Service, every Sunday morning during the school year. We warmly invite you to come and join us!
Our Sunday Morning Bible Study Hour this year will take a look more of the "Idols We Never Knew We Had"! Come and join us for this insightful, informative and encouraging study!
Our Wednesday Evening Bible Study Hour is hoping to continue our look at "the fourth Gospel"-- the Gospel of the John. We have been "on break" for the past few months due to Covid concerns.
Vacation Bible School
We are so thankful that our Summer of 2022 Vacation Bible School was held on Tuesday, July 19 and Wednesday, July 21,
at 9:30 to 12:15 am; was open to all children, ages 5 years old thru 6th Grade; and was offered free of charge for all!
The theme of our VBS this year was "Good News!", a sleuthing adventure by a couple of news reporters, who have the opportunity to cover some of the greatest stories ever-- ones that involve our eternal salvation, as recorded in the Bible. What a privilege to report these accounts so that others may know true joy, real confidence, and lasting peace-- all through the powerful promise from our gracious God and Savior and in His Son, Jesus Christ!
For more information on our VBS program, or for answers to any questions you may have, please call the church office at (605) 996-9123; or email Pastor David at ascension@santel.net. Thanks!
Our Vacation Bible School is offered for the benefit of all children, ages 4 years old through the 6th grade. We especially invite all children from the area to come and join us during this special week of summer every year at Ascension. Bible stories, songs, games, crafts, and activities liven up our VBS as we focus on the message of the Gospel of Jesus our Savior during this special summer session. Call the church office for more information (605-996-9123) about next year's sessions!
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Worship Opportunities
Although COVID-19 is still around, we are "back-to-normal", holding our regular Sunday morning Worship Services, Sunday School classes, and Morning Bible Study Hour inside our church building. Come and join us!
We still offer our "Parking Lot" worship option, for those who may be concerned about the virus. You can park your car anywhere on our parking lot and listen to our Sunday Worship Service on your car radio as it is going on inside, while you stay safe in your car, every Sunday morning at the regular worship time of 8:30 am.
Everyone is welcome to join us-- either inside our specially-cleaned-and-sanitized building, or on our church parking lot tuned in on your own car radio! Come, join us! It's a wonderful and soul-renewing experience!
If you have any questions or concerns, you can get in touch with Pastor Reichel by calling the church office: (605) 996-9123; or emailing him at ascension@santel.net.
As always, our prayer is that the Lord continue to bless and keep you and your family safe and healthy through this trying time.
Always remember your Savior's words: "And surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:20b).
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