
Daily Devotion

Daily Passage

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Pastors Sermons

Daily Devotion
Daily Passage
Ascension News
Pastors Sermons
About Ascension
Contact Info


Organizations and Activities
Worship Services
Bible Study
Sunday School
Vacation Bible School
Church Council

If you would like to contact Pastor Reichel, please visit the Contact Info tab and send him an e-mail. He will get back to you as soon as possible! Thanks!

If you have any feedback on how we can make our new website better, please contact us and let us know what you think! We would like to hear from you!


vbs_140222012V.B.S. (Vacation Bible School), along with Sunday School, is offered to all children who are 4 years old through the 6th grade.  Our Vacation Bible School is offered for the benefit of all children, especially focus-ing on being an outreach effort to the community during this special week of summer.  Bible stories, songs, games, crafts, and activities liven up our VBS as we focus on the message of the Gospel of Jesus our Savior during this week-long summer session.  Call the church office for more information and schedule (605-996-9123).

Vacation Bible School 2019  was held all on one day this year:  on Saturday, June 22, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.  We had all kinds of fun, as we were Build (-ing) on the Rock, Jesus Christ our Savior and His Word and promises! The new-this-year schedule, which enabled us to present three (3) Bible lessons and two (2) cool craft projects, all on one day, seemed to work out pretty well!  We all had a great time, and benefitted greatly from V.B.S.!